Jill certified as an IBCLC in 2002 and has worked with breastfeeding dyads in hospital, community and private practice settings since that time. She has been involved in mentoring and providing education for her peers and allied health professionals for over a decade. Recently she wrote and facilitated the Breastfeeding Education for Community Child Health Nurses in Perth.
In addition to these roles, she is also a Registered Nurse and Midwife, with a certificate in Neonatal Special Care Nursing, has obtained a Bachelor of Applied Science (Health), a Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing (Child & Adolescent Health), and a Masters in Midwifery (Human Lactation Specialisation).
Jill enjoys working collaboratively with a group of health professionals in a community setting at Baby Steps, providing evidence-based, holistic care for breastfeeding and lactating families. Jill feels privileged to support families through their breastfeeding journey. Special interests include care of the late preterm/early term infant.
Jill is a mother of 3, has recently taken up Mahjong and still enjoys her tennis as injuries permit!