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Sports Physiotherapists in Subiaco

Musculoskeletal Physiotherapists work with children and their families to improve strength and endurance, range of motion, posture, balance, movement skills, motor planning and coordination. They help children develop gross motor skills and build muscle strength and flexibility to assist them in moving through their environment with the most efficiency.

They also aid children with developmental milestones such as rolling, sitting, standing, crawling and walking. Management plans are coordinated together with a Podiatrist, Occupational Therapist and Massage Therapist.

The Clinical Guidance Committee advise Baby Steps on all clinical matters effecting the health practitioners within our centre. It’s members gather together to discuss and develop guidelines relating to:

Meetings are held several times a year, or at the request of Baby Steps for specific clinical advice. It is lead by a chairperson and educational coordinator, elected by the group of participating health practitioners.

Baby Steps supports the independent businesses of:

If you’re looking for support, contact our Practice Manager Michelle Bredemeyer
08 9387 2844