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Postnatal Body Check with a Physio

Seeing a Postnatal Physio in the weeks after birth reduces your chances of experiencing long term pelvic health problems. While a 6 Week Mother GP Check provides a medical review for mum, it’s only half of the picture. Don’t let signs of leakage, niggles or pains go ignored - nip postnatal issues in the bud, now.

Your Postnatal Physio can assist with

Returning to exercise (including sex)

Pelvic and back pain

Core strength

Recovery from birth

Bladder leakage


Caesarean Scar pain


Vaginismus (pain with sex)

Diastasis Rectus Abdominus (separation between the abdominals)

Nerve injuries following delivery

Episiotomy or perineal tear pain

Start your journey back to self

A Postnatal Body Check with Perth Physio Collective is your first step on your journey back to self. With a Postnatal Physio as your guide, you will learn how to retrain your pelvic floor for strength, endurance and coordination, retrain your bladder and bowels for control and regularity, rebuild your abdominal wall after birth and regain postural correctness while caring for your baby.

Your personalised ‘Return To Exercise’ Program

This tailored program from your Postnatal Physio is designed to help you gently heal and adapt to the new changes in your body. You will receive custom exercises designed to restore posture and alignment, core strengthening activities to reduce ab separation, learn how to retrain your pelvic floor and get to know your limits when it comes to exercising.

What to expect from your Postnatal Body Check

1-hour appointment Make sure to wear comfy clothes Abdominal Assessment including real-time ultrasound muscle testing Diastasis Recti Measurement Scar Assessment – for caesarean scars, episiotomies and tears Pelvic Floor Examination – an internal vaginal examination with real time ultrasound Functional movement testing Assessment of posture, back and neck movements

Meet your Postnatal Physio

Healing starts now

Book your Postnatal Body Check today

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08 9387 2844